Welcome to the website for the Florida Keys Drowning Prevention Task Force!
The Florida Keys Drowning Prevention Task Force is a non-profit organization founded to decrease the drowning rate in Monroe County. Drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages 1- 4. Monroe County currently has the highest drowning rate per capita in the state of Florida.
Our mission is to promote water safety through education and swim survival classes.
The Keys2swim program was created to teach infants and children the necessary aquatic skills to survive an accidental water exposure. Our swim program teaches self-rescue swim lessons to infants, toddlers and young children utilizing a swim-float-swim technique. The classes are offered for FREE to our island community.
The “Heros Among Us” program was created to promote bystander CPR within our community. The two hour program teaches adult, child and infant CPR. The program also includes choking, basic first aid and Stop the bleed training. This class is also offered for FREE.
We would like to thank our supporters: The Keys Health Ready Coalition, Monroe County Florida Department of Health, Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition, and the Monroe County Sheriffs Office.